Choice, chance and change are all related. The choice is your to make. The chance to make a different outcome is within your reach. The change you want to make starts with you.
How are you taking advantage of these opportunities? Are you making changes to help accelerate success? Or are you stuck with doing things the same way they have always been done?
Doing the same thing over and over – expecting different results.
Albert Einstein’s Definition of Insanity
How many times have you done the same thing – expecting different results? Used the same argument with the same person – expecting to change their mind or view of a situation?
What changes can you make, where can you take chances in your business to accelerate success?
Video Time! Choice, Chance, Change
Watch this video for more information on choice, chance and change. Begin to learn how to create the success you’ve always wanted, dreamed of and deserve. Success is within your reach – just start.
The time is now to make the choices and changes to move business forward. Now is the time to take the chance on a new idea, a new program, a new mindset.
Interested in learning more? Watch the whole series of videos on this playlist.
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