Strategies based on experience

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Krista Crotty,
Founder & CEO

“Life isn’t about finding yourself.  Life is about Creating Yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw

As an entrepreneur, best-selling author, Trainer & Master Practitioner of NLP, Krista Crotty leads business owners and entrepreneurs to success and beyond. As the “Business Crew Chief”, she helps businesses during the idea/start-up phases, through the growth phase to the evolution phase.

Combining her formal training in mechanical engineering and production/operations management, with over 25 years of motorsports experience, she gives an exciting perspective of business and how constant change helps one keep on track with the ever-changing 21st century. 

From her corporate experience, Krista understands first-hand the business world and the evolution phases of an entrepreneur. Throughout her life, she has used her determination, perseverance and understanding to help people.

Successes (and failures) in business and motorsports exposed her strengths and weaknesses; allowing Krista to evolve and learn along the way. One of her truest passions is helping business owners and entrepreneurs find their passion and turn it into profits.

Krista continues in these challenging times to help clients with mindset by seeing the opportunities, rather than focusing on the obstacles.  Allowing her own focus to shift onto businesses evolution and adaptation, she continues to assist business owners and professionals to do the same in their businesses.

Client Industries


  • Trades Professionals
  • Consultants & coaches
  • Sales Professionals 
  • Legal Services


  • Food products
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Clothing
  • Jewelry
  • Wine 


  • Product Development
  • Venture Captialists
  • Angel Funds
  • IT & Networking

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Our Values

~ Authenticity ~ Innovation ~ Sustainability ~

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